Wednesday 12 Ramadan 1446 - 12 March 2025

Prayer Times in Bandhi

Bandhi prayer time (Fajr, Sunrise, Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib and Isha)

Islamic Prayer Times in Bandhi

Fajr Sunrise Duhr Asr Maghrib Isha
05:23 06:40 12:38 04:01 06:35 07:46
Remaining time Duhr 00:00:00
The prayer call for Duhr prayer starts at the site at 12:38 pm
Next Pray Duhr
Time Now 00:00:00 in Bandhi
  • Country code: PK - Pakistan - باكستان
  • Latitude 26.58613
  • Longitude 68.30058
  • Google Map
باندهي prayer times

Bandhi Prayer Times for one week

Day Date Fajr Sunrise Duhr Asr Maghrib Isha
Thursday 13-03-2025 05:21 06:39 12:37 04:01 06:36 07:47
Friday 14-03-2025 05:20 06:38 12:37 04:01 06:36 07:47
Saturday 15-03-2025 05:19 06:37 12:37 04:01 06:37 07:48
Sunday 16-03-2025 05:18 06:36 12:37 04:01 06:37 07:48
Monday 17-03-2025 05:17 06:35 12:36 04:01 06:38 07:49
Tuesday 18-03-2025 05:16 06:34 12:36 04:01 06:38 07:49
Wednesday 19-03-2025 05:15 06:33 12:36 04:01 06:39 07:50

Namaz timing Bandhi

Salah times for Bandhi were calculated using Muslim World League, Azan Time in Bandhi | islamic prayer times (adhan time) in Bandhi : (Fajr, sunrise, Dhuhr, Maghrib and Isha) namaz time today for moslem.

Bandhi Azan time